Carmel High School Seniors Get a Lesson in Driving Safety

Our district students and staff embrace our Carmel 6Cs and work hard to keep each other and the community safe on our campuses and on the roads.

Students perform tasks while wearing blurred goggles

This summer, incoming seniors at Carmel High School were invited to participate in a behind-the-wheel driving experience that teaches the real dangers and consequences of distracted and impaired driving.

The SIDNE (simulated impaired driving experience) training offered engaging and hands-on activities about the misuse and abuse of alcohol and other drugs, and the dangers of distracted driving. Students participated in tasks that safely simulated attempting to operate a vehicle while impaired, including driving a go-kart around a track in the parking lot, sorting objects while wearing goggles that blurred their vision, and completing other tasks while being distracted.

Participation in the experience allows the students to enter the lottery for a space in the parking lot at the school for the 2022-23 school year.

The SIDNE program is a collaborative initiative by the Putnam County Youth Bureau, Putnam County Sheriff’s Department, M.A.D.D. – Putnam Chapter, Putnam County Probation Department, CoveCare Center, and the Putnam County CTC Coalition.