Overview of CCSD Programs & Services

Whenever possible, students with disabilities will be educated in their home school. Special education services are available to students between the ages of 3-21.


Students between the ages of 3 to 5 who are classified as preschool students with disabilities by the Committee on Preschool Education (CPSE) may receive special education related services and/or programs. Related services such as: speech therapy; counseling; occupational therapy; or physical therapy; and programs such as: special education itinerant services (SEIT), integrated classes and special classes; are all part of the continuum of special education programs which are available through State and county approved agencies and preschools. Special education preschool programs and services are recommended through the Carmel CPSE and administered by the Putnam County Department of Health. 


  • Speech and Language Therapy
  • Counseling
  • Occupational Therapy
  • Physical Therapy 

Special Education Itinerant Services (SEIT)

Integrated Classes

Extended School-Year Service:  Extended School-Year Services (ESY) are available to students recommended by the CPSE in order to prevent substantial regression during the summer period or due to the nature and severity of a child's disability. Individual determinations will be made.



Students between the ages of 5-21 who are classified as a student with a disability by the Committee on Special Education (CSE) may receive special education related services and/or programs.


  • Speech and Language Therapy
  • Occupational Therapy
  • Assistive Technology
  • Physical Therapy
  • Counseling
  • Teacher of Hearing Impaired
  • Teacher of Visually Impaired
  • Nursing Services
  • Behavioral Services 


Consultant Teacher Services
These are services provided by a special education teacher either directly to the student who is in a general education program or indirectly to the student's regular education teacher(s). Direct services are specially designed individualized or group instruction that is provided a minimum of two hours per week to aid the student to benefit from general education classes. Indirect service is consultation provided by a special education teacher to general education teachers to assist them in adjusting the learning environment and/or modifying their instructional methods to meet the individual needs of a student with a disability who attends their classes. 

Integrated Co-Teaching (ICT)

Students with disabilities receive instruction within a regular education classroom with non disabled peers. Instruction and support is delivered collaboratively by both the regular and special education teacher. These classes are available at the elementary, middle, and high school levels, on a grade level or subject specific basis.

Special Classes (Self-Contained Class)

Students with disabilities receive specialized instruction in a separate location in small classes or on a per subject basis. Instruction is delivered by a special education teacher. Students at the high school level may receive credit towards a local/regents diploma.

Out of District Placements
Students with disabilities who need more intensive services or programs not available in the district may be educated in approved special education programs outside of the district. The continuum of placements in least restrictive order is as follows: 

  • Other Public School District:  The Committee on Special Education (CSE) may apply on behalf of a student with disability for placement consideration within a special education program operated by another local school district.
  • Board of Cooperative Education Services (BOCES):  Putnam Northern Westchester BOCES, Southern Westchester BOCES and Dutchess BOCES offer special education programs and classes that are located in local public school districts and on the BOCES campus. Depending on the program and the location, students may or may not be integrated with typically developing peers within general education programs.
  • Special Act School District:  These districts were set up by a special act of the New York State Legislature. Although they are distinguished from approved private special education schools, they are similar in structure. Each of the Special Act School Districts has its own Board of Education which regulates district policy and procedures. Currently, there are 13 special act school districts across the State.
  • State Supported or State Operated Schools:  New York State Supported and State Operated Schools are special education schools which provide specialized instruction for students with specific disabilities. 
    Approved Special Education Private School 
    On occasion, students may have educational needs that cannot be met in a public school or in a BOCES program. The school district may then apply for placement in an approved private day school.
  • Approved Special Education Private Residential School:  When the structure of an approved private day school is not sufficient to educate and safely manage a student, the Committee on Special Education (CSE) may recommend placement in an approved special education private residential school. 

Extended School-Year Service:  Extended School-Year Services (ESY) are available to students recommended by the CSE in order to prevent substantial regression during the summer period or due to the nature and severity of a child's disability. Individual determinations will be made.