Carmel Café

Dear Carmel Community, 

Coffee cup with CCSD logo on it

Thank you to all those community members who registered and attended our annual Carmel Café on October 19, 2021. We welcomed many new faces to the conversation, which has been a staple in our community for the last six years as part of the District’s strategic planning process. 

The feedback from the event was positive and we are looking forward to future events and providing more opportunities for our students to add their voices to the conversation. 

Our attendees provided feedback in several areas, including: 

  • How best to prepare students academically for the world outside of Carmel
  • Annual budget
  • Social-emotional learning
  • How best to meet the needs of the District’s student population

A document outlining feedback provided by attendees of the Café in response to the topic prompts is available for the community to access. 

We appreciated the great feedback from our community attendees and will utilize the insight to continue our commitment to raising the achievement of all our students and promoting a learning environment that is safe and nurturing to all. 

We hope that you will make plans to join us for future conversations!