Business Office

The Business Office is responsible for overseeing the district finances as well as all financial management, maintenance of liability insurance, risk management, student accident insurance, accounting, auditing, payroll and purchasing.

Ken Silver, Assistant Superintendent for Business
(845) 878-2094 x213

Linda Haywood, Business Office Manager
(845) 878-2094 x219

Debbie McIntyre, Confidential Secretary
(845) 878-2094 x215



Purchasing & Accounts Payable

TBN, Junior Accountant
(845) 878-2094 x217

Susan Krinsky, Accountant
(845) 878-2094 x220

Mariella Boyd, Account Clerk
(845) 878-2094 x222                                                                      (Administrators, Teachers, Teaching Assistants, Paraprofessionals)

Sandy Wong, Account Clerk
(845) 878-2094 x224                                                                          (CSEA, COSA & Food Service)

Kate Nolan, Account Clerk:  Purchasing
(845) 878-2094 x223

Dan Reese, Account Clerk:  Accounts Payable
(845) 878-2094 x221


Student Accident Insurance

The Board of Education provides schooltime non-duplicating accident insurance for all students in kindergarten through grade 12. All injuries resulting from interscholastic athletics, including football, are also covered by the insurance plan. The insurance pays for injuries sustained while attending classes; traveling directly or without interruption to or from the insured's residence and school for regular school sessions; and while participating in or attending school functions and supervised activities, including all sports. Students who are injured during regular school hours, or during an after-school activity, including interscholastic athletics, are to report their injury to their teacher or coach and to the school nurse assigned to their school. The plan, which carries a $50 deductible, will help pay the cost of treatment for accidental bodily injury up to the specified medical limit per claim. Since the school's student accident plan is non-duplicating, the individual's coverage is limited to hospital and surgical costs that were not covered under any group or blanket insurance the family might have. It should be noted that the first fifty dollar ($50) deductible on any student accident claim will be the responsibility of the parent.