For the 2020-2021 school year, the Carmel CSD will be implementing a COVID-19 Screening tool for staff and students. Depending on the screening requirements, students will receive a daily email reminder that notifies them to fulfill the COVID-19 screening.

All students, regardless of whether in the hybrid- or remote-learning option, must complete a COVID-19 screening questionnaire each school day.

  • Students attending school in-person must complete the screening prior to coming to school. Students will not be permitted to enter school/district property without fulfilling the screening process.
  • Students in remote-learning models should complete the form by the start of school each day (7 a.m. for CHS students; 8 a.m. for GFMS students; 9 a.m. for elementary school students)

Completing the Screening

  • The questionnaire may be completed utilizing the appropriate form links above or through the Smart Button app (available for both iPhones and Androids). When setting up the Smart Button app, use your school email address as the username and "changeme" as the password.
  • As a reminder, the Web Form Questionnaire should be used if the app is not functioning properly. 
  • Families with multiple children should use the Web Form Questionnaire to complete the screening survey for each child. 

COVID-19 screening questionnaire tutorial video: