Carmel High School Welcomes Class of 2027

Adam Boehein, a Carmel High School senior, stood in front of bleachers packed with freshman on August 29, waving signs he made to welcome the school’s new class of ninth graders.

“This is a fun day,” said Adam, who signed up to be a mentor at freshman orientation. “Having someone show you the way makes you feel that you belong. It can be scary for the underclassmen to come to a new building. I remember when I was a freshman it was all pretty confusing.”

The juniors and seniors who signed on as mentors spent Tuesday morning leading the ninth graders around the building, helping them find their classes and introducing them to the many clubs and activities the high school offers.

Joanne Morgan, Carmel High School’s Student Mentor Advisor, said there were 211 mentors for about 400 freshmen this year.  

In the winter, Morgan sent out a questionnaire asking the future freshman about their likes and hobbies. Over the summer, she tries to pair the freshman with mentors of similar interests, so the new students feel connected to the school community right from the start.  

“It works well because it’s not random, we want there to be a connection,” said Morgan, who is also an English teacher. “These mentors have really become the standout volunteers of the school. They have volunteered at 41 community service events over the past year.”

Tea Sedlareik, a junior, made goody bags for the two freshman she took under her wing – Yaniela Arias and Sydney Arnaboldi.

“They are just pens and pencils and stuff,” Tea said. “I just wanted to give them something to welcome them.”