Media Literacy, Then and Now
In studying Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., the Carmel High School Media Literacy Class looked at the ways the Civil Rights leader communicated his message in the 1960s and how he might effectively communicate today.
“King was a powerful writer and speaker,” Library Media Specialist Karissa O’Reilly said. “His books, letters, essays, sermons, and speeches were a big part of how he was able to spread his message and mobilize people. In class, we talked about how people spread messages in the Civil Rights Era and compared them to how we communicate today.”
The class, which is an elective open to students in grades ten to 12, looked closely at King's Letter from Birmingham Jail. In the 60s, it was published in many different magazines and newspapers.
"It would be a lot easier to share this letter today," said Kiersten Motta, who talked about how it could be posted and shared online.
The letter is around 7,000 words, and the class also discussed how it might be presented in today's media — with visual pull quotes and other ways to drawing attention to it in the sea of information we see when we scroll.
King's speeches would be livestreamed today, students said, so you would not have to be there to hear them.
"People could watch them as they're happening and if they missed it, they could go back and easily watch them anytime,” Motta, a senior, said.
In the 60s, rallies and protests were often promoted through leaflets and flyers.
The students said there were more effective ways to get the word out these days.
“Social media posts are popular, and it would be easy for them to be seen and recognized,” Chase Montuoro, a senior, said.
O’Reilly used a Microsoft Form to poll the kids on which media types might be most and least effective for communicating a message of advocacy today. They all agreed that books, letters, essays and leaflets would not get much attention today, but social media posts, podcasts and livestreams of speeches would.
"I think he would have definitely had a podcast," Motta said.