Middle School Students Discuss the Dangers of Vaping

Students participate in assembly in auditorium

During recent early dismissal days, George Fischer Middle School students attended an in-school assembly led by our community partners at The Prevention Council of Putnam and CoveCare Center on the dangers of vaping and using e-cigarettes. The presentation series, CATCH My Breath, discussed the negative consequences and health hazards associated with e-cigarette use, the use of flavor chemicals and their role in e-cigarette marketing and how they can make smart decisions for their developing minds.

“A presentation like this is important to raise awareness among our students about vaping,” said Nancy Cyrus, assistant principal at the middle school. “Research indicates that children have greater access to dangerous substances and are experimenting at younger ages. Some substances can create harm after a single use. We want our kids to make good choices. At GFMS safety is one of our core values because we ROCK!”

During the interactive portion of the assembly, students shared their experiences talking with their parents and friends about the topic and asked important follow-up questions. The school administration is working to plan more small-group instruction on the topic and others for students as a follow-up.

“The Prevention Council of Putnam and CoveCare were so easy to work with. They were excited to come into GFMS to share their expertise and answer student questions,” said Cyrus. “We hope to continue this work with more informative presentations for parents and students."