Honing Math Skills at Kent Primary

Students play math card games

Math Moment: For second-grade students in Mrs. Carlson’s class at Kent Primary School, it was a double-compare subtraction and memory game fun afternoon to hone their subtraction skills. There was not one, but two different games for the students to choose from – double the fun!

First, students worked in small groups to play a memory-style subtraction game where they would flip over an equation card on their turn, complete the subtraction and then try to find the corresponding number in the memory bank of cards which were face down. The goal was to not only solve the equation correctly but also to remember where the correct answers were in the bank of cards! The player who gathered the most pairs of equations and answers was the winner.

Students then played a card-style subtraction game which required them to flip two number cards over from their deck and subtract the numbers to find the difference. The students then compared answers and the student with the lowest total from the cards during the turn won all the cards in play.