Kent Primary Second Grade Students Make Too Much Noise

The crowd that had gathered in the Kent Primary cafeteria was quiet with anticipation, waiting for some students to soon make too much noise... but in a good way!

Recently, Lisa Chase’s second-grade students invited parents, guardians and families to see them perform “Too Much Noise!,” a musical that they had rehearsed for several weeks.

Students performing on stage

"’Too Much Noise!’ is actually a Ukrainian folk tale,” said Chase. “We have been reading a lot of folk tales in class and one thing we learned about folk tales is that they teach us life lessons.”

The tale follows Jacob and his family who struggle with there being too much noise in their house. One by one, they head off to seek advice from some village wise men and women on how to remedy the noise issue. Seems simple... but is it?

The noise issue only seems to escalate thanks to the addition of a horse, donkey, hen, sheep and dog. It appeared that the advice given only made the family’s noise problem worse but, as we soon learned, it was all a lesson in perspective.

So, what life lessons did our students learn from “Too Much Noise”?

“Anything can get worse,” said student Sophia Acevedo

“Appreciate what you have,” said student Ella Burrows.

“My class has not been able to put on a show in three years, so we are really happy to have parents come into the school to watch our performance,” said Chase. “The students have worked so hard and did a fabulous job. I am so proud of them.”

The performance would not have been possible without the dedicated support of music teacher Juliana Schultz who worked with the students on the songs and accompaniment, and art teacher Sarah Bell who helped the students create the banner hung above the stage.

“You all did an amazing job, and I am so proud of you,” Principal Dan Brown told the students at the end of the performance.